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About Kehot Publishing

Merkos l’Inyonei Chinuch – Kehot Editions (MLC-KEHOT Publishing) was founded in 1947 by Rabbi Yossef Its’hak Schneersohn, the sixth Lubavitch Rebbe. Under the leadership of his successor, Rabbi Menahem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitch Publishing House has provided Jewish education to almost every Jewish community in the world, and is the largest publishers of Jewish literature. To date, more than ten million books have been distributed in Hebrew, French, English, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Farsi and Arabic.

In France

MLC-KEHOT Publishing is the cultural department of the European Lubavitch Bureau, located at 8 rue Meslay 75003 Paris, and headed by Rabbi Yossef Its’hak Gorodetsky.

The very important support provided by the European Lubavitch Bureau in all fields of Jewish education, whether or not Lubavitch, is reflected in the wealth of publications that the Bureau continues to publish. For forty-two years, the magazine “Conversations avec les jeunes” has brought to thousands of French-speaking households – in France and other countries – the many facets of its Jewish culture sections. In addition, a whole library of books, often translated, is constantly being expanded, including titles such as Pirke Avot (Dr. Marcus Lehmann), the Tanya, Jewish Holidays, Our Prayers, as well as books for the Holidays and an important collection of books of historical interest.

MLC-KEHOT Publishing has always benefited from the support and assistance of the Cultural Fund of the « Conference on Jewish Material Claims » and the « American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee ».

MLC-KEHOT Publishing has published several works that have been a resounding success among the French-speaking public, and strives to publish authentic quality works, in order to allow everyone, according to their level of knowledge, to have access to the best of Jewish literature.

Thanks to G-d, to this day our editions continue to quench the thirst for knowledge for which the « People of the Book » has always been recognized.